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双语AI视频 | 大暑半年节 Major Heat
来源: 长城网      时间:2023-07-27 18:26:48






Major Heat falls on July 23 or 24 which is the 12th solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar. During Major Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year.

It"s a season with the highest temperature, where the crops grow fastest and the most frequent time for drought. After this day,firefly comes out, soil gets more and more humid and heavy thunderstorm comes from time to time. The days around the Major Heat witness the blossom season of jasmines and lotuses.

Major Heat is a season with the largest number of crickets that can be found in the fields along the countryside. Cricket fighting is a popular pastime for some people in China during this period.

With the amazing ability to quell the summer heat, grass jelly is described in a popular saying in Guangdong province that goes, "eating herb jelly in Major Heat will make you stay young like the immortals."



文案:武 萌

配音:武 萌




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